11 May 2012

Weekend linkage

Me: Is there anything else we need at the grocery store?
Jared: Coffee. And chocolate.
Me: But we already . . .
Jared: I am a simple man, my dear. I require only the essentials of life.


Last week I was placing an Amazon order and realized that they were offering me $50 of free stuff if I'd open a credit card with them. Sweet. So I did, and with that $50 purchased several "want but don't need" items, including (finally) a Microplane zester. I am in love. This one next-- I'm ready to kick my clunky box grater to the curb.

Go Viola. "Humanity is messy . . . we as artists cannot be politicians. We as artists can only be truth-tellers."

Sometimes Jared talks about getting a motorcycle. I told him that if he does, I'll buy boots like this.

Yesterday I spatchcocked a chicken for the first time, using a variation on this recipe. It roasted faster, cleaned up easier, tasted just as wonderful as the traditional roast-- I am sold.

Get insulted by Martin Luther! "What bilgewater of heresies has ever been spoken so heretically as what you have said?"

Cookbooks authors and the lies they tell . . . about caramelizing onions.

Once my hair's longer I will be trying this mermaid tail braid tutorial.

If you have a lot of unwanted books sitting around and would like to acquire new ones for free, get thee to Paperback Swap.

I'm putting this ballet documentary on our Netflix queue! Meanwhile I'll keep watching Youtube clips like this one . . .

We've had a lot of busy evenings lately. This song seems appropriate for the weekend.

Let's Just Stay In by Tony DeSare on Grooveshark

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